National laws
Main Antiquities Law: Law No. 3028/2002
Presidential Decree 96/2012 (gr)
"Establishment of Secretariat of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport"
Presidential Decree 85/2012 and 86/2012 (gr)
Establishment of the new “Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports” and Appointment of the Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Deputy Ministers
Law 4026/2011 (gr)
Bilateral Agreement between USA and Greece signed in July 2011 on imposing import restrictions of archaeological and Byzantine artefacts dating up to the 15th century AD.
Law 3915/2011 (gr)
Agreement between the Federal Council of the Swiss Confederation and the Government of the Hellenic Republic on the import, transit and repatriation of cultural property.
Law 3914/2011 (gr)
Agreement between the Government of the Hellenic Republic and China on the prevention of theft, illegal excavation and illicit import and export of cultural property.
Law 3843/2010 (gr)
"Article 12: Issues regarding the "Unification of the Archaeological Sites of Athens S.A."
Law 3773 / 2009 (gr)
"Organizing Committee for the Mediterranean Games – Volos 2013 and other provisions” Relevant articles: 35, 40, 4
Law 3711/ 2008 (gr)
Law regulating the administrative issues related to the new Acropolis Museum (came into effect on 5.11.2008).
Law 3691/2008 (gr)
Prevention and repression of legalization of income from criminal activities and financing of terrorism and other provisions. Relevant article of the law: Article 3
Law 3658/2008 (gr)
Law on Measures for the Protection of Cultural Objects
Law 3525/2007 (gr)
Law on Cultural Sponsorship (FEK A' 16/26.01.2007)
Presidential Decree 24/2007 (gr)
Regulation on prohibited regions in the Greek air space (LGP ACROPOLIS).
Law 3317/2005 (gr)
Ratification of the second Protocol of the Convetion for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (UNESCO)
Law 3463/2006 (gr)
Law/Codex on Municipalities and Local Communities - Relevant article on the protection of cultural environment and establishment of local museums. - (ΦΕΚ Α’ 114 / 8.6.2006)
Law 3409/2005 (gr)
Law on recreational underwater activities - relevant article 11 - (FEK Α΄ 273/4.11.2005)
Law 3389/2005 (gr)
Regulations on excavations during public construction works. Relevant articles 17 and 21 (FEK Α' 232/22.9.2005)
Law 3378/2005 (gr)
Ratification of the European Convention for the protection of the Archaeological Heritage - "Valletta Convetion" - CoE
Law 3348/2005 (gr, fr)
Ratification of the Unidroit Convention on the international return of stolen or illegally exported cultural objects
Law 3323/2005 (gr)
Governmental Committee on Culture and Education
Law 3207/2003 (gr)
Preparation for the Olympic Games Relavant Article 10: "Regulations Related to the Ministry of Culture".
Presidential Decree 67/2003 (gr)
Amendments and additions to Presidential Decree 133/1998 on the return of illegally exported cultural Objects (93/7/EC)
Presidential Decree 191/2003 (gr)
Structure of the Ministry of Culture (gr) - Presidential Decree -
Law 3028/2002 (en) - Main Law on Antiquites
Law on the Protection of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage in General
Presidential Decree 133/1998 (gr)
Presidiental Decree conforming Greek laws to the Council Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 and 96/100/ΕEC of 17 February 1997 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State. - as amended by Presidential Decree 67/2003 -
Presidential Decree 133/1998 (gr)
Presidiental Decree conforming Greek laws to the Council Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 and 96/100/ΕEC of 17 February 1997 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State. - as amended by Presidential Decree 67/2003 -
Presidential Decree 99/1992 (gr)
Study and Execution of Archaeological Works (as amended with laws 2947/01 and 3525/07)
Law 2039/1992 (gr)
Ratification of the ΓŽΒ¨onvention for the Protection of the Architectual Heritage - "Granada Convention" - CoE
Law 1127/1981 (gr)
Ratification of the European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage, CoE - London 1969
Law 1126/1981 (gr)
Ratification of the Unesco Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Paris, 16 november 1972
Law 1114/1981 (gr)
Ratification of the Convetion for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (Hague Convention - UNESCO) Ratification of the Second Protocol
Law 1103/1980 (gr)
Ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural propert. -Paris 1970-