State Law Council
Opinion No. 76/2006 (gr)
Request for a permission for construction works near an archaeological site in order to legitimate an existing building.
Opinion No. 341/2005 (gr)
Has the Ministry of Culture the right to legalize an illegally erected building that was build in an area later classified as an archaeological protection Zone type B’ ?
Opinion No. 307/2005 (gr)
Reward for indication of violation of the declaration duty for possession of antiquities. The indicator is not entitled to receive reward as the new Law 3028/02 does not -unlike the older Law 5351/32- include such a regulation?
Opinion No. 306/2005 (gr)
Real estate under Protection Zone B. Rights of the landowner?
Opinion No. 281/2005 (gr)
Underwater Archaeological Parks - Permission by the Ministry of Culture?
Opinion No. 199/2005 (gr)
Recommendations of the Central Archaeological Council - the right to obtain copies
Opinion No. 607/2004 (gr)
The transfer of antiquities from Rhodes to the rest of the country is not subject to the Military Proclamation from 1947.
Opinion No. 420/2004 (gr)
Monetary reward for finding antiquities is not granted if the antiquities were found during research for finding recent treasures.
Opinion No. 340/2004 (gr)
Monetary reward for finding antiquities is not granted if the antiquities were found during research for finding recent treasures.
Opinion No. 340/2004 (gr)
The legal obstacles stated under art. 31 of Law 3028/02 are not only applicable for collectors of antiquities but also for collectors of recent artifacts.
Opinion No. 277/2004 (gr)
What are the legal regulations applicable for the building of a warehouse on a property that is situated within the boundaries of a proclaimed archeological site?